以上是開源、免費的選擇,付費的選擇推薦 ReadMe.io
rootnroll: Interactive playground in a browser for your GitHub project. Get an isolated environment with your software ready to be played with.
Julia: The Julia Programming Language 為效能而生的程式語言,主要被用來作資料科學、機器學習、科學領域、平行運算方面的應用。
dio: A powerful Http client for Dart, which supports Interceptors, FormData, Request Cancellation, File Downloading, Timeout etc.
fluro: Fluro is a Flutter routing library that adds flexible routing options like wildcards, named parameters and clear route definitions.
bloc: A predictable state management library that helps implement the BLoC design pattern
rxdart: The Reactive Extensions for Dart
dep: 最熱門、出自於官方的套件管理工具。在 Dep 出現之前,最熱門也最活躍的選擇是 Glide,Glide 的文件上是這麼寫的:"The Go community now has the dep project to manage dependencies. Please consider trying to migrate from Glide to dep."(Go 的社群已經有 dep
可以用來管理套件相依性,請考慮從 Glide 換到 dep。)
近期經常被拿來比較的 dependency management: Poetry & Pipenv,相較於過去要處理 pip
,這兩套都是為了解決現代化開發者遇到的各種環境管理問題、協同作業的問題以及部署管理的問題等。以 2018 ~ 2019 這兩年來看,使用 Pipenv 應該還是短期內比較安全穩定的選擇(參考 GitHub Stars 的數量作者及社群的持續投入等)。
Editor.js: Next generation block styled editor. Free. Use for pleasure.
mini.css: Its tiny size (under 10KB gzipped), along with its responsive grid and modern components ensures that all your users are satisfied and can access your website anytime, anywhere
lit: a ridiculously small responsive css framework. (395 bytes gzipped and minified)
mobi.css: The default bundle of Mobi.css provides the basic styles to build clean and elegant webpages. It's only 2.6kb after gzipped, and it's very easy to get started.
[Blisk] - a browser for developers & UX designers. (https://blisk.io/)